Ekklesia Publications

A Magazine Publishing Company

Ekklesia Publications

A Magazine for Everyone

Description & details

Ekklesia Publications focuses on delivering the gospel word in magazine form to all sorts of audiences. With rich text and heart-warming stories, Ekklesia Publications seeks to instill hope and delight to its readers.

Ekklesia Publications

A Magazine Publisher

A website was developed to deliver it’s magazines to its audiences. The ability to donate or purchase content was implemented as well.

Mobile Friendly

The publisher really wanted to focus on the accessibility of the website via mobile devices. We ensured accessing it on any type of smartphone was a seamless process.

Sharing Features

Sharing the website and the magazines within were crucial features in the development process. Social media and other forms of networking allow for a more broad audience.


Ekklesia publications is all about the people. Implementing contact forms for prayer requests and story sharing involved its community to a greater extent.